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Video - Bell on a Ribbon

Five Things - Fun Activities with Food

I know that cooking is a fun activity and there are so many ways your child can participate. But today my five things don't include cooking and are activities with food that are fun, quick, easy and not too messy.


1. Cutting shapes

Cutting big shapes with cheese is easy and little shapes with carrot is more difficult. These carrot shapes would look so cute through a small salad.




2. Making spiral foods

This tool is called a radish cutter, but we enjoy using it on cucumber. Carrot is a little more difficult and is best left for adults or much older children. This activity is challenging for Caspar and is most suitable for ages three and up. Even a five year old would enjoy this. 




 3. Crushing herbs

The mortar and pestle are a favourite because Caspar (and possibly most children) likes bashing things. If I am using herbs, fresh or dried, Caspar will give them a bit of a crush first, it actually helps to release the flavours.




4. Grating

Once again cheese is easy and carrot is more difficult. The softer the cheese the easier. This can get a little messy. There is still some cheese on my floor. Caspar had so much fun with this hand grater he grated much, much more than we needed, he didn't want to stop. 



5. Apple slinkys

I have mentioned this before, but I had to include it on my list. It is our all time favourite activity in the kitchen. No explanation required. Don't think this is too hard for a younger child. I have seen much younger children enjoy this. 



Besides the obvious aim of preparing food these activities also keep Caspar busy while I am cooking and allow him to make a meaningful contribution often to our family meal and therefore our family life.

Many people would suggest having all the items required for each activity out ready for the child. This would work well for a younger child however at three Caspar is old enough to collect the items himself. As your child gets older do encourage/ensure they participate in all levels of the activity from set up to clean up. Allow the child to take ownership of the activity.  

A couple more of our favourite activities with food include juicing by hand and making melon balls. 


Please join in. What are your favourite fun activities with food?


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